Sleep is an essential factor that contributes towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It improves your immunity, strengthens organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys, helps maintain a healthy weight, and enables better stress management.
Sleep disorders can deteriorate a person’s health and quality of life. If you experience abnormal sleeping patterns, difficulty sleeping, feel sleepy in the day despite getting sufficient sleep the previous night, and cannot perform daily activities properly because of lack of sleep; you may have a sleep disorder.
Chase Dental Sleepcare can help diagnose your sleep disorder and create a customized treatment plan that enables you to sleep properly at night. However, effects of lack of sleep on your health include:
Weakened Immunity
The immune system protects your body from external bodies, such as germs that cause illnesses and diseases. It also promotes faster healing of injuries and prevents chronic health conditions. Sleep disorders can reduce the efficient working of the immune system, resulting in weakened innate and adaptive immunity. It also helps the immune system retain information regarding recognition and reaction to harmful substances.
Sleep deprivation makes people disoriented, lose focus, and not pay attention to their environment. It makes it more challenging for them to understand information and learn. Exhaustion can also make them unable to recall past experiences and learned knowledge. Sleep can help process declarative and procedural memories and consolidate them. It impacts both your short-term and long-term memories.
Increased Risk of Injuries
Disturbed sleep prevents the person from functioning at maximum efficiency during the day. They are unfocused, which might result in a lack of proper coordination and bad posture. This might make them prone to more health complications such as chronic pain and back pain. Accidents such as falling asleep while driving or falls due to inattentiveness can lead to traumatic injuries that might disable them permanently.
Sleep helps maintain the blood sugar levels in the body at night. Decreased sleep can contribute to the development of diabetes and weight gain leading to obesity. If the body resists insulin due to insufficient sleep, it causes damage to the heart, kidneys, and nerves. It also results in high blood pressure, with several adverse impacts such as heart attacks and strokes.
Mental Health
Getting only a few hours of sleep affects a person’s mood during the day, causing strains in their social relationships and making physical and mental activities difficult. It might develop into mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
It is essential to get properly diagnosed and treat your sleeping disorder immediately to prevent worsening and causing additional health risks. A good night’s sleep helps you feel energetic, focused, and healthy.