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Comprehensive Functional Restoration with Pelvic Pain Specialists In New Jersey

For patients experiencing pelvic pain in Colonia and Livingston, New Jersey, there are multiple pain management treatment options within their reach at SamWell Institute for Pain Management. The board-certified pain management specialist, Dr. Jay Shah, MD, and his expert medical team provide spinal cord stimulation and other alternative procedures to offer you long-lasting pain relief. At their two office locations in New Jersey, you’ll find a team of well-trained and knowledgeable professionals who will guide you through your personalized treatment plan. To find more about the practice, schedule an appointment through mobile or book online.

What Is Pelvic Pain?

         Pelvic pain is the feeling of discomfort in your hips, abdominal area, or lower back. This pain may be a result of numerous causes, including neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, Spinal cord injuries, Women’s Health concerns, Dorsal root ganglion issues, and gastrointestinal problems, Post-menopausal pain, Musculoskeletal injuries, and Sacroiliac joint inflammation.

         Patients report experiencing sharp and aching pain, which may be tingling, burning, and throbbing in some cases. If you are struggling with extreme pelvic pain or lasting discomfort that won’t subside on its own, reach out to SamWell Institute for Pain Management for an extensive evaluation.

What To Expect During A Pain Management Consultation?

         Once you arrive at SamWell Institute for Pain Management for an initial consultation, Dr. Shah and his team of practitioners ask you about the symptoms you’re experiencing and cross-check your medical history. They perform a physical examination and, if necessary, may recommend nerve conduction tests, CT scans, MRIs, blood tests, and other imaging procedures to develop a comprehensive diagnosis of the exact cause of your pelvic pain.

What Are The Available Treatment Options For Pelvic Pain?

         If you suffer from severe or chronic pelvic pain, Dr. Shah and the team may recommend the following treatment procedures:

  • Physical Therapy

Doing physical therapy exercises can help strengthen diseased or injured tissues, thus reducing chronic pelvic pain. Your provider, Dr. Shah, may advise that you blend physical therapy with other treatment alternatives to achieve lasting relief.

  • Spinal Cord Stimulation

         A spinal cord stimulator is a pacemaker-like appliance implanted under your skin, near your spine. It sends electrical shockwaves to your spinal cord tissues to reduce the discomfort.

  • Radiofrequency Ablation

Applying radio waves to the painful areas may interrupt nerve conduction and reduce pain naturally without the need for incisions or needles.

  • Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation

         Dorsal root ganglion stimulation is like spinal cord stimulation, in that Dr. Shah puts electrodes close to your dorsal root ganglion (a cluster of nerve cells) to deliver electrical impulses to targeted spinal cord tissues, thus offering desired pain relief.

  • Medications

         Dr. Shah offers particular prescription mediation to alleviate pelvic pain and provide lasting pain relief, hence improving life quality.

  • Nerve Blocks

         Nerve blocks are certain injections that address the nerve impulses associated with your pelvic pain. Dr. Shah begins by numbing the treatment area to alleviate any discomfort.

         That said, do not put up with severe or chronic pain linked to the spinal cord or nerve problems when the pain management specialists at SamWell Institute for Pain Management can offer you safe, effective treatment solutions. To request an appointment, call their office, or use the online scheduling tool. 

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