People often use scale and proportion interchangeably in interior design. However, they are not exactly the same. If you want to understand interior design principles, you must be able to understand the difference between these terms. They are crucial in ensuring that your home interior design style appears blanched.
These words are used by interior designer service providers to describe the size of objects. Proportion is used to describe the designs, size, or shape of an object with respect to other objects. On the other hand, scale is used to describe the size of any object in relation to the size of other objects. Hence, proportion refers to any aspect, while the scale is used to understand the size of an object with respect to the size of the rest of the elements. It is crucial that you use proportion and scale properly while designing your home. Mentioned below are a few ways by interior designer service providers to use scale and proportion properly:
01 of 06 Use the golden ratio
There is a common rule followed by experts in interior design called the golden ratio. The golden ratio is stated as 1:1.618. It helps to create the perfect combination between functionality and aesthetic beauty in the kitchen. This trick has been followed for a very long time by designers while creating a room’s layout. In this ratio, the larger number is for furniture to ensure that the space is functional and the smaller section stays preserved for other not-so-important elements. Also, following this ratio makes it easier for interior designers to choose the colour palette of the room.
02 of 06 Give a contrasting look
Interior design is more than science; it is an art as well. The artistic side allows interior designers to create appealing home interior design styles with colours and tones. Instead of choosing only matching colours, you can consider giving the interiors a contrasting look as well. Contrast can help to add more visual interest to any space. There are various ways you can introduce contrast to any space. Besides colours, other elements can be used as well, like shape, design, size, etc. This also helps people to make a bold statement.
03 of 06 Making use of free space
If you are designing your home, there could be a few free spaces left behind. Interior design principles dictate that you should not try to cover all the free spaces with various items. It can make your home interiors appear cluttered and congested. Instead, you should sometimes embrace free space and use it to your benefit. By leaving a few empty spaces around the house, you can leave enough space in the room to avoid visual clutter. Moreover, it will also help you to keep all the other elements in the room highlighted. Hence, free space should be used to your advantage when you are scaling items and creating proportions.
04 of 06 Scaling patterns according to your room
Patterns can invoke more visual interest in any dull space. Hence, they are popularly used by experts when designing home interiors. However, it is crucial to use them wisely. Otherwise, you may end up causing visual clutter. One of the most important factors is that you choose the right size while choosing patterns. If the patterns appear too big or too small for the room, the space might appear awkward. A common rule followed by experts is that a large room should feature large patterns, and a small room should feature small patterns.
05 of 06 Keep focus on the focal point
Interior designer service providers often create a focal point in the room. A focal point is important in the room because it makes the space appear more organised and appealing. In most cases, a large statement piece is used as the focal point of the room. This item can be anything from a well-designed furniture piece to expensive artwork. All the other elements in the room should be designed around this item. They should have the right scale and be in proportion to the focal point.
06 of 06 Follow the rule of thirds
Just like the golden rule, there are a few other rules followed by experts when designing the home. One of them is the rule of the third. According to this rule, you should always choose items in the number of three whenever possible. For instance, you should choose three candles, three vases, and even three books if you want to use them for decoration. As a result, the items will appear proportionate to the room. By following this rule, you can maintain a balance in the home interior design. It will prove to be much better than focusing on symmetry.