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Is It Possible To Get Cervical Cancer Without Having Sex?

Cervical cancer is a common type of cancer in women. The cause of most cervical cancer cases is HPV, a sexually transmitted disease. However, women who have never had sex are not entirely safe. 

To ensure your safety, consider a South Charleston Pap smear test. 

How can one get cervical cancer without having sex?

Cervical cancer is usually caused due to HPV or human papillomavirus. HPV is a sexually transmitted disease you can get from having sexual intercourse and other sexual activities. Penetration sex is not the only way to get infected. 

Even if you have had oral sex or had skin-to-skin contact with the genitals, or had sex a long time ago, there are still chances of getting cervical cancer. 

If you have never had penetrative sex, oral sex, or done any other type of sexual activity in your life, you are most likely safe from cervical cancer. 

Usually, HPV goes away on its own. However, sometimes it can stay inside your body for a long time and not even show any symptoms. It only starts showing symptoms when the problem becomes cancerous. 

Therefore, it is recommended for all women who are or were involved in sexual activity to get routine checkups of their cervix. 

Do you need a Pap smear test if you have never done any sexual activity? 

Whether or not you are sexually active, it is medically recommended for all women starting the age of 21 to get routine cervical exams at least once a year. Other than detecting HPV, a Pap smear test can diagnose minor infections and inflammations of the cervix. 


Nothing can prevent cancer. One thing you can do is lower your risks by taking a few steps. 

  • Get annual screenings done. Pap smear and HPV tests are essential to detect cancers, infections, and other types of threats in your cervix.
  • Get an HPV vaccine. HPV vaccines can prevent various types of infections that can cause genital warts. It is necessary to take them as soon as possible because they can only prevent HPV infections and not treat an existing one. 
  • Avoid situations where you might acquire HPV. Preventing an HPV can be challenging as any sexual activity can cause it. However, having protected intercourse and limiting the number of sexual partners may help. 
  • Quit smoking. Even though cervical cancer is mainly caused by HPV, smoking can increase the risk. 

To conclude, any woman who has participated in any sexual activity, penetrative or non-penetrative, at any point in their life is prone to cervical cancer. Pap smear and HPV tests can help you to stay alert about upcoming diseases. Contact Patel & Patel, M.D., Inc. to book an appointment today. 

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