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Medical Devices You Need to Have at Home

More people are showing an ever-increasing interest in keeping their health in top condition. That’s why it isn’t surprising that home medical technology is becoming more popular nowadays, with experts estimating more than 78.5 million people worldwide will be using medical devices at home in the next couple of years.

Additionally, the pandemic has made it more difficult to see a doctor personally for small medical concerns. With teleconsultations being the norm, doctors recommend buying devices that can monitor a patient’s vitals for easy recording and monitoring, while some private dentists recommend dental self-care devices that could maintain and check oral health.

The good thing about it is that modern devices are now sleek and compact. It’s a far cry from the bulky and complicated contraptions that people bought but ended up gathering dust in a self-storage facility. It’s not that they were ineffective; most of the older versions were difficult to operate and understand.

That said, here are the top medical devices to have at home in these modern times:

Home Remote Exam Kit

A remote medical exam kit allows everyone to conduct “basic” medical exams at home, which can be a great way to detect sick household members fast, allowing for faster treatment and the prevention of spreading it to other family members. This medical device pairs with teleconferencing apps that connect the users with health professionals for a private consultation, diagnosis, treatment plan, and prescription of medicine if required.

These medical exam kits usually come with a digital camera, thermometers, tongue depressors for throat examinations, an otoscope for checking the ear canal, and a classic stethoscope for your heart, lungs, and abdomen.

Sleep Monitor

In recent years more health experts have emphasized the importance of having a proper good night’s sleep, which is becoming more challenging to achieve for many people. Luckily, wearable sleep monitors are now available, and instead of slipping them under your bed, you can wear them, helping it track your heart rate and other critical data while sleeping.

Under The Tongue Thermometers

Although the most commonly used thermometers are ear-based ones, thanks to their fast processing, they aren’t the most “reliable.” Luckily, under-the-tongue thermometers are now a thing, and they’re more reliable. It uses multiple infrared sensors directed at the temple of the forehead, providing a fast and accurate reading. It’s a crucial medical device to have at home since fevers, the common cold, and similar diseases are common in households.

Asthma Monitor

Asthmatic condition monitor devices are now for sale for the public, and these are crucial to have at home, especially if you have a family member with asthma. This medical device can record your breathing pattern and the “whizzing” of air whenever you inhale and exhale — analyzing these to find out the condition of your asthma. Overall, it’s beneficial for managing the treatment based on the existing “conditions” of the person using it.

Portable Gluten Tester 

The first-ever portable gluten tester is now available to the public. This medical device comes with multiple one-time-use test capsules and a dedicated mobile app that allows users to track and share data with others. It’s a valuable gadget to have at home since it could be a lifesaver for those allergic to gluten or who have celiac disease.

Glucose Monitor 

Glucose monitors are a medical device staple for every homeowner with a diabetic occupant. The latest versions of the device allow users to connect the gadget to mobile apps, instantly showing their blood sugar levels and suggest the proper insulin dosage you need. All you need to do is put a blood test strip into the glucose monitor and take a drop of blood using a lancer and let it read the sample.

Health-Oriented Smartwatch

Smartwatches are taking over the market by storm, and in the medical industry, health-oriented smartwatches are becoming more popular. These are “special” types of smartwatches combined with state-of-the-art medical technology, allowing them to do things such as tracking irregularities in the heartbeat and measuring blood oxygen saturation alongside the regular functions of fitness trackers.

3-in-1 Blood Pressure Monitor

Monitoring blood pressure is now possible on the go thanks to the innovative 3-in-1 blood pressure monitor. This device combines minimalist designs with innovative technology, allowing users to record medical-grade ECG and detect valvular heart disease — where they can get the readings almost instantly. After each use, results will be shown on the device, helping you keep track of your heart health.

Brain Sensing Headband

The first brain-sensing headband available to the masses consists of seven electroencephalography (EEG) sensors. This device can monitor your brain activity during meditation, transmitting the information to your preferred gadget, whether it’s on your computer, tablet, or smartphone via Bluetooth.

It’s designed to help people manage and reduce stress, giving real-time feedback on what’s happening in your mind and teaching you the best ways to achieve peace and calm. Plus, it offers a series of motivational challenges and rewards to encourage wearers to make meditation a regular part of their routines.

From high-tech home medkits to brain-sensing headbands, the medical devices mentioned work together to help you stay healthy and monitor existing medical conditions at home. This encourages families to become more health-conscious and aware of possible medical emergencies.

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