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Parenthood Options for the LGBTQ+ Couples 

A person who wants to be a parent must get a chance to become one, and the LGBTQ+ community is no different. Thanks to medical technology and doctors like Dr. Michael Cho, anybody who dreams of becoming a parent has a better chance of having a baby.

There are several options that an LGBTQ+ family has for welcoming a “bundle of joy” into the family. 

Let’s have a look at some of the options:

  • Donor sperm- This is an option for lesbian couples or a couple in which one of the persons involved was born a female and has the reproductive parts intact. In this procedure, a woman inseminates the sperm of a donor. The sperm can either be taken for a sperm bank or the couple can also opt. to go for a known donor.
  • Donor egg- In this procedure, when none of the partners can provide eggs, they take an egg from an unknown or a known donor, and then the embryo is inseminated into a surrogate and grows in her, and upon birth intended parents are given custody of the child.
  • Donor embryo- If due to several reasons which can be biological, hormonal, medical, or even personal, the couple is not able to give the sperm and egg, they have an option to make an arrangement for a surrogate to be inseminated with a donor embryo.
  • Co-parenting- Co-parenting is an arrangement where couples come together to take responsibility for upbringing the child together. This is a great option for a couple, one of whom is divorced and has a legal child.
  • Fostering or adopting- Caring for a foster child is great for the couple, the child, as well as society. And if a couple is not comfortable with any of the above-mentioned ways, they can choose to go for adoption and provide an orphan a good life among a loving family.

There are many ways in which an LGBTQ+ couple can become parents. However, there are a few things that they should keep in mind before going ahead with the process. Two of the most important ones are:

  • They should take complete care of the legal aspects of things and meet a good lawyer who can take care of the legal formalities efficiently.
  • They should choose the clinic carefully as it is very important.


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